PEACE & LOVE for Soft Tissue Injuries
Injury……. It is a word, which having the multidirectional viewpoints and intervention strategies where most of the Health professionals,...

MYTH #1: “SHOULD CONSULT A PHYSICIAN / SURGEON BEFORE PHYSIOTHERAPY” You really no need to consult a Physician / Surgeon before starting...

Wanna know the relation between your Back pain & your wallet? Come check it out here……
Back Pain…. Back Pain is a one of the commonest conditions for the people who indulged this current corporate life style and also by...

The TRX System (Your Own Body Is Your Own Strength and Support)
Physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. In our daily lives, ph

ARE YOU REALLY HANDLING SCIATICA? OR ????? (A Breif Intro about Pseudo Sciatica / Retro-Trochantric
We are the generation of Digital World. Our Communication is DIGITAL, Our System is DIGITAL and our outcome expectations are also...

Functional Movement Screening
Functional movement systems is an inportant part of the solution to a common problem – CHRONIC PAIN. Whether the problem is Chronic Neck...

Lower Extremity Perturbation Training
Perturbation training for the lower extremity involves controlled unpredictable forces directed to an unstable surface for improved...

Archery can be described as a comparatively static sport requiring strength and endurance of the upper body, in particular the forearm...