J Anandh Raj*, M.L.Ramya Krishna, S.Guhan, Srinivasulu Mandla, Kamalakannan Mohanan, Sai Bhargavi E, T Elisha. Afr. J. Biomed. Res. 2024: Vol. 27, No.3s;3921-3929.
This study result states that four weeks of two distinct intensities of photo biomodulation therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus resulted in significant gains in muscle strength and decreased muscle fatigue. The results showed that both 5J/cm2 and 7J/cm2 intensities of photo biomodulation therapy and resistance training improved significantly on post-interventional values within the groups; however, when compared between the groups, photo biomodulation therapy of 7J/cm2 intensity showed statistically significant improvement on muscle strength and fatigue reduction than 5J/cm2 intensity of photo biomodulation therapy and moderate intensity resistance training.
Himanshu Sharma, Srinivasulu M*, Manjulavani Y. RJPT 2023: 3(2); 5-11.
Significant improvements were observed in both the groups (Group A the control group, conventional therapy was administered, while in Group B the experimental group, MFR (Myofascial Release) with PA (Posterior Anterior) mobilization were given along with conventional therapy) in terms of pain (VAS) and functional ability (ODI) (p <.000). Group B showed greater improvement in pain reduction (mean difference: 2.200 vs. 1.567) and functional ability (mean difference: 7.233 vs. 4.167) compared to Group A. Both the groups demonstrated significant increase in lumbar flexion ROM (p <.000). No significant differences were found between the groups for VAS, ROM, and ODI (p >.05).
Srinivasulu M*, Sangeetha K, Periyasamy A. RJPT 2022: 2(3); 25-31.
This case report is about a 38-year-old female IT worker, experiencing elbow pain for six months in the lateral aspect of her right elbow, 3-4 centimetres distal to the lateral epicondyle of humerus. Patient underwent a four week supervised Tendon Neuroplastic Training (TNT) program and static stretching exercises for extensor muscle group of wrist joint and isometric training for wrist extensors in both 90 degree elbow flexion and 0 degree elbow extension positions to improve functional integrity. In addition, rotator cuff muscles and scapular muscles were strengthened, and supinator muscle strengthening exercises were performed. Outcome measures were recorded / evaluated at week 0 (baseline), at week-4 (last day of the treatment) and at week-12 (2 month after the end of treatment). Function and pain were measured in this study, where pain-free grip strength was measured with handheld dynamometer to evaluate function, and pain was measured by using a visual analogue scale (VAS) and finally, both pain and function were measured by using Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE). After therapeutic interventions, at week-4, the grip strength was 24.3 kg, pain score on VAS was 1 and PRTEE questionnaire score was 8. At week-12, pain score on VAS was 0, PRTEE questionnaire score was 5 and grip strength was 31 kgs. There was a marked increase in grip strength with increment of 20.18 kg from baseline, marked reduction in pain score (VAS) with 8 points and marked reduction in PRTEE questionnaire score with 66 points at 12th week follow-up. Based on this case study, it can be concluded that TNT exercises can improve grip strength and result in pain reduction in the patients with lateral elbow tendinopathy with multi model exercise approach. Future studies need to be done with high quality trails and long-term follow-up.
Divya Chunduri, Srinivasulu.M.
RJPT 2022, Volume 2 , Issue 2 , 1 - 8.
Significant improvements were observed in both group A and group B in terms of decreasing pain and disability, but group A (Thrust manipulation group) showed greater decrease in pain and disability when compared to group B (Non-Thrust manipulation group). In conclusion, thrust manipulation can be used for pain reduction and to increase cervical range of motion by decreasing the hypomobility in patients with mechanical neck pain. In future studies, myofascial trigger points and muscle imbalance should be considered for study in mechanical neck pain, and also for planning and assessing treatment programs. From this, it can be recommended that both cervical manipulation and cervical mobilization can be applied by clinicians in clinical set up for better improvements in mechanical neck pain condition.
Ashutosh Satapathy, Srinivasulu.M.
RJPT 2021, Volume 1, Issue 2, 15-22.
Significant improvements have been shown by both group A and group B, but group B showed greater decrease in pain and disability. In conclusion, scapulothoracic exercises in addition to glenohumeral exercises can be used for pain reduction and to increase glenohumeral ROM by fixing scapulohumeral rhythm. In future studies, scapulothoracic dyskinesis should be assessed, and myofascial trigger points and muscle imbalance should be considered a result of pain in shoulder, and planning and assessing treatment programs.
Srinivasulu.M, Divya Chunduri.
RJPT 2021, Volume 1, Issue 2, 31 - 38
Both the groups showed significant improvement in ROM. This may be due to the fact that pain was found to be the limiting factor. Therefore, as the treatment techniques helped in relieving the pain, the ROM simultaneously improved. The present study had demonstrated that both Mulligan mobilization and neural mobilization were effective in reducing disability and improving ROM, PSFS. Neural mobilization did show better results in reducing disability and improving ROM, and functional level. Statistically, there was no significant difference between two groups. Therefore, these interventions can be applied in clinical setup for better improvements.